Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Music Week In Nerdom 11-5 - Slipknot and He is Legend New Music, Rammste...


Music Nerds rejoice! We have NEWS!

New track from the new record. The song is called “All Out Life”
Definitely see what Corey was saying about this being some of the heaviest material they have written in years. I don’t know about the claims that it is going to be Iowa levels of heavy. But it is a bit of a step up from The Gray Chapter for sure.

He is Legend
ALSO releasing on Halloween, “White Bat” from He is Legend.
SO DAMN GOOD! Much more appreciated than their last record. Which was ALSO great. Schylar is going back to his older style vocal, and the complexity has been ramped up.

European tour announced this week. Tickets go on sale on the 8th.

Avatar Update
The minimum goal was 50k. The “Ideal” goal was 75k. The running time was about a month. Well in 24 hours they broke 110k!! That is intense. As it stands with just under 2 weeks left they are sitting at 136k.

Batmetal Forever
Just found this video that is apparently from March.
It’s hilarious and I just wanted to share.

What did I miss? What should we talk about next week?
Let me know in the comments below!

Until the next one guys always ALWAYS remember that if it's Generally Nerdy it's probably here!

#NewMusic #Slipknot #Rammstein #GenerallyNerdy #Podcast

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